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Journal : UNEJ e-Proceeding

UNEJ e-Proceeding 2023: 5th International Agronursing Conference (5th IANC) In Conjunction with 1st International Post
Publisher : UPT Penerbitan Universitas Jember

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Background: Stunting is a world health problem that affects nearly 149.2 million children under five. The incidence of stunting is more in rural areas. Both specific and sensitive nutrition interventions are needed to reduce stunting. This study aims to provide an overview of interventions to overcome stunting in rural areas for 1000 days of life. Methods: The research method is a literature review with the PRISMA approach. A literature search using electronic databases such as PubMed, ProQuest, Science Direct, and Google Scholar. The literature review conducts on international journals published in the last five years, available in free full text and not the result of an examination. Results: Interventions for dealing with stunting at 1000 days of life can be in the form of interventions during the pre-conception period and pregnancy until the baby is two years old. Interventions related to improving nutritional status by providing maternal nutrition for 1000 days of life. Providing education to mothers can increase mothers' knowledge and care in preventing stunting. Conclusions: The intervention results showed that giving nutrition for 1000 Days of Life reduced stunting in rural areas. Providing education to mothers increases the knowledge of prospective mothers in preparing for healthy pregnancies and preventing stunting in children.
UNEJ e-Proceeding 2023: 5th International Agronursing Conference (5th IANC) In Conjunction with 1st International Post
Publisher : UPT Penerbitan Universitas Jember

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Background: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide. COPD causes various physical disorders, including dyspnea, physical weakness, and psychological disturbances that can impact the quality of life. This study aims to identify patients' quality of life and the factors influencing it. Methods: The method of this study is a systematic review using the PRISMA JBI Critical Appraisal Tool. The literature search used an electronic database of 3 electronic databases, namely Google Scholar, PubMed, and Scopus. The inclusion criteria include research on the quality of life of patients with COPD and articles published in English from 2018 – 2023. Data were analyzed using meta-synthesis. Results: The results of the study found 12 eligible articles. The analysis results show that the dominant factors affecting the quality of life of COPD patients are smoking status, degree of COPD, and depression. Active smoking status, severe COPD, and depression can worsen the quality of life. Family support, self-care management education, and medication adherence can improve quality of life. Family support is central because it can improve compliance and self-care management. Conclusion: Nurses' efforts to improve the quality of life of COPD patients, apart from being curative, can be carried out through preventive and promotive actions, including smoking cessation programs, increasing medication adherence, and improving self-care management through efforts to increase family social support.
UNEJ e-Proceeding 2023: 5th International Agronursing Conference (5th IANC) In Conjunction with 1st International Post
Publisher : UPT Penerbitan Universitas Jember

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Background: The high prevalence of stunting is still a health problem that is often discussed by people in developing countries. Factors related to stunting have been sought using a variety of methods. This study aims to identify the dominant factors that families can do related to stunting prevention in children. Methods: This research used relevant databases including PubMed, ScienceDirect, SAGE journals, and Google Scholar. Result: 15 articles were entered. Factors affecting stunting in families in rural areas are explained in the categories of maternal education, nutritional intake patterns, family size, and absence of latrines and safe water. Conclusions: The findings of this study show that several factors that influence the incidence of stunting or several studies that show a significant relationship between variables can be applied and adjusted at the family level in preventing stunting where the family is the smallest social environment that takes care of children 24 hours. Further studies are needed to identify more specific family functions in preventing Keywords: Family, Stunting Prevention Factors
EFFECTIVENESS OF SPIRITUAL EMOTIONAL FREEDOM TECHNIQUES (SEFT) IN THE MANAGEMENT OF SLEEP QUALITY AND DEPRESSION AMONG OLDER ADULTS Niken Asih Laras Asti; Tantut Susanto; Latifa Aini Susumaningrum; Hanny Rasni; Fahruddin Kurdi; Muhammad Alfin Maulana; Asma Yudhi Efendi
UNEJ e-Proceeding 2023: 5th International Agronursing Conference (5th IANC) In Conjunction with 1st International Post
Publisher : UPT Penerbitan Universitas Jember

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Background: Older adults often experience sleep disturbances due to the physiological decline of aging. Sleep disturbances predict physical and mental health problems in older adults, especially a risk of depressive symptoms. SEFT (Spiritual Emotional Freedom Technique) is a therapy that combines spiritual power energy through prayer and psychology to improve the condition of mind, emotions, and behavior. Since little is known about the SEFT used to enhance sleep quality and reduce depressive symptoms in older adults. This study aimed to explore the effect of the Spiritual Emotional Freedom Technique (SEFT) on sleep quality and depression in older adults. Methods: This study used the quasi-experimental pretest-posttest design with a control group. Forty-six older adults in nursing homes participated in this study, divided into the experimental and control groups. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Mann–Whitney (U), and Wilcoxon tests. Results: This study showed significant differences in sleep quality (p-value: 0.03) and depression (p-value: 0.05) in older adults before and after the implementation of SEFT. The results of the Mann Whitney Test – (U) test indicated a significant difference in the sleep quality of the participants in the intervention group compared to the control group (p-value: 0.011). However, conversely, there was no significant difference in depression symptoms of the older adults in the control and intervention groups after implementing SEFT (p-value: 0.075). Conclusions: Our findings infer that the SEFT can be considered a useful nonpharmacologic approach to improve sleep quality and depression among older adults in nursing homes. However, further research is needed concerning the impact of SEFT on older adults' depression.
Co-Authors Abdul Kholis Aini S, Latifa Alvinda yuanita Andiana Andiana Animas Debby Sugesti Andriani Anisa Kirnawati Annisah Dwi Intan Anwari, Misbakhul Arizal Al Farisi Asma Yudhi Efendi Ayu Pricilia Fatimah Badrus Sholeh Dewi Marianthi Dewi Negeri Atika Dewi Rokhmah Dhea Cristina Diana Kholida Diana Kholida Diana Kholida Dinda Angelina Hariyono Dwi Linda Aprilia Aristi Dwi Wahyuni Dwi Yoga Edho Choyrul Huzzein Ega Putri Nurwita Eka Afdi Eka Aprilia Wulandari Emi Wuri Wuryaningsih Erti Ikhtiarini Dewi Erwin Nur Rif'ah Erwin Nur Rif'ah Fahruddin Kurdi Fitrio Deviantony Frihatin Al Isnaini Grysha Viofananda Agung Kharisma Ade Hanny Rasni, Hanny Hanny Rasny Hany Rasni Iis Rahmawati Iis Safira Ariviana Indri Andriani Inna, Rizka Insyaf Prawita Sari Intan Rahmawati Ira Rahmawati Irawan Fajar Kusuma Irawan Fajar Kusuma Isworo, Tirta Amerta Itsna Abidah Mardiyah Khoirun Nasikhin Latifa Aini Latifa Aini Susumaningrum Levi Nadya Nur Imamah Livia Dwi Ramadhani Mashila Refani Meilynda Ekanovvareta Misbakhul Anwari Mokhlas Kholidi Muhammad Alfin Maulana Muhammad Athok Fitriyansyah Muhammad Cholilurrohman Hadi Muhammad Nur, Kholid Rosyidi Muqodimatul Masruro Mutia Nur Maulida Sandy Nadhea Alfionita Nahdah Khoirotul Ummah Nasikhin, Khoirun Niken Asih Laras Asti Nila Uli Saadah Nindy Shara Meiyana Novi Anoegrajekti Nuning Dwi Merina Nur Winingsih Nurhayati, Nurhayati NURUL AZIZAH Pham, Huong Thi Thu Prastica, Vinanda Maria Qudsyiyah, Roro Dewi R Endro Sulistyono Refani, Mashila Resita Ovina Intiyaskanti Retno Purwandari Risha Putri Mahrdika Rismawan Adi Yunanto Rista Dwi Pratiwi Rita Vidyawati Rizka Inna Rizqi Nur Aini Rofiatul Nur Jannah Rondhianto Rondhianto Ropickhotus Salamah Roro Dewi Roro Dewi Qudsyiyah RR Dian Tristiana Salamah, Ropickhotus Sinta Kholifah Mar'ah Konitatillah Siti Marina Wiastuti Siti Nur Wahidah Siti Nurmalasari Siti Sholikah slamet Siswoyo Slamet Siswoyo Slamet Siswoyo Slamet Siswoyo Soekma Yeni Astuti Sulton Wariin Sutrisno Sutrisno Suyani Indriastduti Suyani Indriastuti Syahroni Bahtiar Try Nurhayati Ubaidillah Utsman Vidyawati, Rita Vinda Prihatini Rahmatillah Vio Putri Andi Lestari Vivi Oktaviana Wulandari Wantiyah Wantiyah Widodo, Ramadhan Rifandy Widyarani, Destia Winingsih, Nur Wirda Hayati Wulandari, Eka Aprilia Yahtarita ulfia Adisiwi Yoga, Dwi Yulia Aisyah Nuribu Yunidar Dwi Puspitasari Yunus Nur Zakarya Yurin Ainur Azifa Yusuf Afandi Yuzqi Rizqullah